Page name: Born of Sand [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-05-21 11:06:05
Last author: Rice
Owner: Rice
# of watchers: 10
D20: 2
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The Great War marked the end of an old era with the blood of its fallen brethren and foes. Malice, the tyrannical leader of The Dark, and his Captains fell in their final battle against a mysterious group whose names were seemingly lost in time. Sentenced into the dark voids of Otherworld, Malice is now trapped and no longer a threat to Firstearth, the world of five nations. (Ignis, Glacies, Ventus, Humus and at the very center Skyheart, the foundation.) However, with the battle, the citizens saw the fall of their kingdom and the death of King Lucien Brenin, and thus Skyheart turned to dust and became a city of dystopia. Craving a leader, civil war broke out amongst the countries over who should control and lead Firstearth into the new age of peace. Though with every decade that passed peace seemed further and furthest away. Now controlled by the Court of Mask, Skyheart is crumbling and with it any hope of bringing the world back to its beauty, an heir is needed, one born of Brenin blood, no matter how diluted by time. The Court of Mask has been hunting for an heir for the last 100 years and each lead goes down the same path, assassination. It would seem that some outside party does not wish for a new King or Queen and is ready to provoke a battle, tension is rising and people are growing suspicious. A new bounty has been placed upon the head of a single person, if you find that person, surely Skyheart will be in your hands.

Welcome to a new RolePlay by your beloved [Rice]! This time around I won't stand for any disappearing acts, god they kill RP's and make my children cry, well if I had children. If you want to join head over to the audition page and submit, I'm not going to be overly picky on characters so if I think you've got a few flaws that are stopping you getting accepted I'll help you remedy them. :D This is a fantasy/sci-fi/monsters everywhere sort of story line so expect violent, cursing, gore, magic, sharp objects and nasty personalities. <3
The setting was first used in a RP between me and [Chimes], so some of the credit needs to go for her. :) Thank you for helping me create this 6-year old story setting, it's amazing.

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2011-05-18 [Rice]: OMG I don't know who the mysterious watcher is then.
We have
- Me
- Flisky
- Chimes
- Deri
- Akay

...and? o.o Akane? Maybe

2011-05-18 [Rice]: And also yeeeessss make a character Flisker >;D

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: ...>> I'm not a mystery watcher until now! Hahaha!

2011-05-19 [Alexi Ice]: Didn't we decide Mort is almost always the mystery watcher?

2011-05-19 [Rice]: Ha ha then this wiki is complete!

2011-05-19 [Thunder Cid]: Oh I can't handle it anymore.

2011-05-19 [Rice]: YOOOOOOOOOU! *popcorn goes everywhere*

2011-05-19 [Thunder Cid]: <img:stuff/aj/101743/1305813460.jpg>

2011-05-19 [Rice]: *eats some more popcorn* 8U THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!

2011-05-19 [Thunder Cid]: Modern CG.

2011-05-19 [Rice]: Just thought I'd let people know that as of yet there is no deadline for applications. So take your time thinking over a character idea or whatever, heck you can even bounce numerous ideas off me. I am tough and pliant. 8D

2011-05-19 [Rice]: The RP will open on 26th of May- or at four accepted characters! However I will be accepting new characters for a time afterwards so still no rush. :)

2011-05-19 [Flisky]: How many characters are we allowed to have?

2011-05-19 [Rice]: Two main characters, that are in the group..but then there can be minor characters in whatever sub-plot we're currently exploring. Also character are allowed to have previously known each other or met one another. :D

2011-05-19 [Flisky]: Okay, just checking. ^_^

2011-05-19 [Rice]: S'alright chuck~ BTW I'm doddlying the current characters as we you mind if I doodle Naka?

2011-05-19 [Flisky]: Not at all. ^_^

2011-05-19 [Rice]: YAY!

2011-05-19 [Rice]: <img:stuff/aj/87488/1305834589.jpg> FIVE MINUTE DOODLES FOR YOU! I'm sorry id I failed with Naka's outfit..xD I was like 'Okay come on..think monk'

2011-05-19 [Flisky]: But they's so cuuuute!!! ^_^

2011-05-19 [Rice]: I imagine someone has just approached them and Rendon is like 'Stand back Naka...' and Naka is just like '^_^ I can take care of myself you know'

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